Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Design Thinking

3 stories

A Sculpture by Noguchi on his journey to find the design of public playground
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

UX references

30 stories

Relationship between the look, feel and ease of use of a product to its usability represented in a Venn diagram
a happy man
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Design Systems

2 stories

A responsive, typescale from Rekka’s design System, for Large, Medium and Small screens, showing how the fonts adapt to various screen sizes.
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

UX portfolio

3 stories

Two pie charts: left showing 20% of interview questions leads to 80% of success on the right.
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker


1 story

A comparison of two actual font sizes set at the same size.
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Writing Highlights

1 story

Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Ai + design

1 story

featured image with robot symbolizing AI assitant
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Book Author

Product Designer / Educator / Author. Parent, surfer, maker.