Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

UX references

17 stories

Two feedback loops with UX in the middle. One is called Opportunity Definition and is with internal customers such as stakeholders providing requirements and UX providing lofi designs to push back. One is with external customers such as users with UX providing hifi design and taking measurements of changes to behavior on response.
Figure01: Layers Naming Convention
Three by three grid with while lines with heading tags, UI components, and shades of grey in rectangles in the grid, with a purple-blue gradiant background
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker


1 story

A comparison of two actual font sizes set at the same size.
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Writing Highlights

1 story

Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Ai + design

1 story

featured image with robot symbolizing AI assitant
Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

UX portfolio

1 story

Chris R Becker

Chris R Becker

Design Thinking

1 story